360 HEAD
15 2yr Strs & Hfrs
10 2yr Frsn Bulls
60 1yr Frsn Here X Steers
25 1yr Frsn Frsn X Bulls
145 1yr Friesian Here X Hfrs
40 Wnr Strs Aut Born Beef X
47 Wnr Bulls Aut Born Frsn & Frsn X
15 Assorted Cattle
Special Entries:
A/c Truro Farms, Te Puke
65 1yr Friesian Hereford X Heifers
Approx 220kg – From known herds
Will Shift well
A/c K & S Rooney
30 1yr Hereford Friesian X Steers
27 1yr Hereford Friesian X Heifers
Annual Line – Reared on the property
Further entries are being taken
Call your Central Livestock Agent
Taupo Saleyards is an accredited NAIT entity so we will scan and record the movement of your cattle.
However, all cattle must be NAIT tagged and all vendors must have their NAIT number.
Untagged cattle will either be sent home or tagged with a saleyards approved NAIT tag at a maximum cost of $25 per head tagged.
Please note that all intending purchasers must be NAIT registered prior to the sale and must have a NAIT number when registering at the sale.
We are accredited providers and can assist by registering on your behalf for a small fee.